Wednesday, February 21, 2007

In Class Video "Ethnic Notions

In class we were presented with a documentary called Ethnic Notions. This film portrayed the ethnic characters that were present in the media beginning in the 1940’s. The significance of the racial images in the film is undeniable. Our country has throughout history presented different images of Blacks in our society. These images seem to always suit the political and racial views that support white supremacy over blacks. The film showed characters such as Jim Crow, Sam bo, Zip Coon, and the Mammy as ugly, dumb, happy blacks. These images served to show that the unintelligent Negro was happy to serve his master. This helped the white society to justify the enslavement of Blacks, saying that they were happy and willing to be put in such a position. As history changed so did the media. When slaves were freed after the civil war the images that represented them changed. They were now thought to be brute animals who were violent and savage. The argument was made that slavery kept these people disciplined and prevented them from living uncivilized lives. Black children were portrayed as animals with their naked bodies and nappy hair. The media took a psychological control over how people viewed Blacks. Whatever light they were shown in is the view that the American society took. The question that comes to my mind is, does the media and the images it presents still affect our society in the same way today? I believe that the media still acts as a political agent just as it did in the days of promoting slavery. Although I believe our country has come a long way since the days of segregation I believe the media still plays a great part in influencing the American public. For example if someone sees a man wearing a robe and a turban on his head they might not think of him as an American. They might even consider him a threat. After September 11th the media and the government has served to portray the Arabic and Muslim communities as evil and un-American. Just as the media placed stereotypes on Blacks they have placed them now on another race and culture. The media plays such a huge role in all societies even dating back to the Nazi propaganda of WWII. Although a simple cartoon of a smiling, gap toothed black slave like Jim Crow may seem harmless the imagery and message that it conveys has great significance to our country and its history of the abuse of the media on society.

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